LDEI KY Committees

  • Event/Membership Enhancement

    As a non-profit that is fully operated and organized by volunteers, our events are the lifeblood of our organization, helping us raise funds for our grant program and raising awareness of the organization throughout the Commonwealth.

  • Communications

    This role is uniquely situated to engage our members through lively and thoughtful communications efforts, while also managing our external communications efforts through social media. This chair attends LDKY events to create or coordinate the resultant social media, and is responsible for updating the monthly newsletter, Eventbrite, website, press releases, social media & text notifications. This chair is responsible for keeping LDKY's social media accounts active and engaged.

  • Green Tables

    This Nationwide effort from LDEI sees a local Chair leading the charge to uplift diverse, global food to members in our chapter. This Chair will bring global cuisine to our membership through training programs, educational opportunities and modes of cultural exchange.

  • Membership

    Facilitating annual membership drives and communicating with current members about their annual obligations, leading Nominating efforts to find and recruit board members and committee chairs and recruiting and onboarding new members

  • Philanthropy

    Check back soon for more information.